How to make curtains, curtains design, curtain needs, curtain styles

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Best Way to Make Embellished Romantic Rose Curtains

The Best Way to Make Embellished Romantic Rose Curtains

Whenever we consider dressing a window we need to understand how we react to light. If the same type of lighting is used in every room of the house it can create a sense of monotony. The senses of a human being are stimulated by variation and contrast. Light affects the way in which we see and perceive colours, shapes and textures. If lighting is not used correctly it can cause a space to appear dull and washed out.
The opposite applies if we are able to use lighting to our advantage, we could create a sense of warmth and intimacy as well as bring a certain energy and mood to a particular area, particularly in the bedroom or living room.
Light is diffused through sheer/light fabrics and we can therefore use this principle to create a wonderful ambiance within a room.
Silk organza or muslin will be ideal fabrics to use but you could also create amazing unconventional window dressings with sari fabric, netting or lace. Browse around at flea markets, thrift stores or garage sales and you'll be amazed at what you can find that can inspire you to create striking designs for your windows.
Next, I will explain to you step-by-step how to create your own embellished romantic rose (organza) curtain, you will need the following:
• 2 x organza curtains (preferably with tab tops, these are generally readily available at curtain stores, be sure to measure the width and length of your window to ensure that the curtains will fit, alternatively, you can actually purchase organza fabric and fit them to the window yourself.
• 1 x awl (this is a pointed instrument for piercing holes through fabric, leather or wood etc. any art and craft store should stock them).
• 12 x artificial roses (can be bought from most Asian outlets, preferably the same or similar colour as the organza curtain, using clashing colours can make the curtain appear disjointed and chaotic. NB Be sure that the rose bud can come apart from the plastic backing of the flower, once the rose and the stem is pushed through the curtain the backing has to be placed back onto the stem on the other side of the curtain in order for the rose to be secured into place.
• 1 x Curtain wire or wooden dowel (can be bought from curtain store or home improvement store).
• 2 x Hooks and 2 x screw eyes (can be bought from curtain store).
• 1 x pliers or hand saw (can be bought from any home improvement store).
For this exercise we will assume that you have purchased the readymade tab top organza curtains.
I would suggest that you do a trial run of where you will be placing the roses before moving on to the next step. Spread each curtain out on a flat surface and arrange the roses (without securing them) onto the curtain until you are happy with the pattern or sequence which you have chosen. Also consider the space where you are hanging the curtain, if too many roses are used it may make the area and curtain look cluttered and won't allow the light to shine through the fabric.
Once you are happy with your arrangement, make a mark where you are going to make a hole for each rose.
NB It is important that you get the sequence 100% correct before you make the marks and the holes, should you realise that you want to change the roses around after the holes have been made you run the risk of having gaping holes in your curtain which could look rather messy.
The next step will be to measure the top width of the window frame and then cut the dowel or curtain wire in order to fit (using either a pliers if it is wire or a hand saw if you are cutting the dowel).
If you are using curtain wire go to the top of the window frame and attach one screw eye on the left and right hand side of the frame. Ready made organza curtains should have tabs at the top, attach hooks to both ends of the curtain wire and then thread the wire through the tabs of both curtains and attach the wire to the screw eyes on the window frame. If you are using a wooden dowel use cup hooks and not screw eyes for the dowel to rest on. Thread the dowel through the tabs and place on cup hooks.

Once the curtain has been hung it is ready to be embellished. Start with the left or right curtain first and open it up so that it is spread out wide across the window, this way so you can see exactly where you have made the marks and where you are going to place the roses.
For this purpose I am going to attach six roses to each curtain using a sequence of three. Remove the plastic backing from the rose by giving it a good pull; your rose will now be in two parts, (the backing and also the rose and stem).
Start at the top left hand corner of the curtain, using the awl push a hole through the organza where you have made your first mark, NB it's easier and is likely to make a cleaner hole if you hold the fabric on either side of the mark that you made whilst pushing the awl through. Once the hole has been made (ensure that it is big enough for the stem to go through) push the stem of the rose through the hole and secure the rose by pushing the plastic backing back onto the stem which will now be facing the back of the curtain, push it up as far as it will go, this will ensure that the rose won't fall off when it's being laundered.
Repeat the process on the top right hand side of the same curtain, now find the centre between the two roses and to create a bit of interest attach the middle rose slightly lower than the rose on the left and the right. Place the fourth rose underneath the third middle rose but slightly lower. Place the fifth rose to the left side of the fourth one but slightly lower (should be in line with the first rose attached at the top left side of the curtain), now the attach the sixth rose to the right of the fourth rose but slightly lower (should be in line with the second rose attached at the top right side of the curtain. Your sequence of six is now complete and I personally find that this pattern is most pleasing to the eye, you could of course embellish the whole curtain, it really depends on the look which you are trying to achieve.
Follow the same steps for the curtain on the right, NB In interior design balance is very important, it creates a sense of harmony, therefore, what you do to the left curtain do the same to the right so that they will appear unified.
There are many variations on the embellishments that you could use. Feathers work really well and so do mirrors, bearing in mind that feathers would have to be stitched onto the curtain and mirrors will have to be glued on. NB When gluing on the mirrors first glue a piece of fabric onto the back of the mirror, then glue the mirror onto the curtain; this will create traction between the mirror and the curtain, enabling the mirror to stick easily. Also, use glue that will become transparent once it has dried, impasto gel is extremely effective when used as glue for this type of application.
Keep in mind light cool colours open a space and deep dark colours make the space appear smaller, this would also apply to the colour of curtains that you choose to use so based on your décor and where you are placing the curtain choose your colours wisely.
This curtain is very simple to make and does not take much time or skill to assemble, that being said, it is always better not to rush any decorating project; you would want to take your time and enjoy the creative process. 

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