How to make curtains, curtains design, curtain needs, curtain styles

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Best Way to Get No Sew Beautiful Wave Top Curtains

The Best Way to Get No Sew Beautiful Wave Top Curtains

This article is to show you how easy it really is to create professional looking window treatments.

If you follow the simple step by step process I have laid out in this article. You will end up with the same results as I have done guaranteed.

Making beautiful window treatments does not have to be just for the professional designer or the accomplished sewer.

You do not need any sewing skills to make these curtains as there is no sewing involved (unless you want to). You will require a few things to get started.

What you need to start
Here is a list of items you will need. Some you can borrow or buy for not very much. The amount of fabric you will need depends on your curtain size and if you have a patterned fabric. Don't worry about this we will explain everything.  So all that's left is to say enjoy reading this article, then enjoy using it to create your own “wave top” curtains.

Sharp scissors

Steel tape measure

Long straight edge (I used a large spirit level)

Hot melt glue gun (you can sew or hand tack this bit if you want)

Fusible webbing tape (stuff you use with an iron to hold up hem of skirt or trousers)

Iron in fusible buckram

Curtain fabric of your choice

Steam iron

Finally your pin hooks to hang your curtains

The only thing you will need now is a clear kitchen or dining table which ever is the bigger to work on.

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1 comment:

  1. The best way to get no sew beautiful waves. The post has shared useful information



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