
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Shower Curtain Making: How to Make a Shower Curtain?

Shower Curtain Making: How to Make a Shower Curtain?

Shower curtains can really change the whole of your bathroom decor! You just need to hang a shower curtain there and see the amazing changeover! What did you say? Shower curtains are really expensive! All right, you would be very happy to learn that shower curtain sewing is a very easy project. You just need the basic sewing materials and a fabric of your choice for making curtain that goes with the decoration theme of your bathroom. So why wait, read these easy step-by-step instructions on how to make a shower curtain? 

Know all about Designer Shower Curtains

Material Needed to Make a Shower Curtain
·                   Fabric for Shower Curtain (5 +1= 6 yards)
·                   Sewing machine (also table or stand for machine)
·                   Pins
·                   Matching thread (matching with the fabric background)
·                   Pencil or a marking pen
·                   Measuring Tape
·                   Shower Curtain Liner (plastic or vinyl liner)
·                   Curtain rings (12)
·                   Iron

Ensure to buy an extra yard of fabric (provision for hems and any mistake you commit while shower curtain sewing) The standard shower curtain is 72x72 inches and it typically needs 5 yards of fabric (54 inches wide fabric). You must buy 6 yards of fabric to make your shower curtain.

Step-by-Step Instructions to Make a Shower Curtain

Follow the simple and easy instruction for making your shower curtain.
·                   Measure the shower. Measure the length of the rod and the length from the rod to about halfway down the bottom of the tub. A stall shower is a little narrower and somewhat longer than the standard shower ( 72x72 inches). Based on the width, one panel-width of fabric is enough for it. For a standard shower, two panels have to be sewn together for making shower curtain.
·                   Place the fabric for shower curtain on a large flat surface. It can be a large table or a clean area of floor.
·                   Starting from one end, measure the fabric for 90 inches (it includes standard 72 inches plus 18 inches extra).
·                   With the help of measuring tape or yardstick, mark a line with the marker pen or pencil straight across the fabric. Cut the fabric evenly.
·                   Place the 90-inch fabric panel evenly across the flat surface. Also put the other panel next to the first one.
·                   Line up any fabric pattern evenly.
·                   Now pin both the fabric panels only a little. Majority of the pinning has to be done on the reverse side. After attaching both the fabric panels for shower curtain loosely, turn them over to bring the reverse side up.
·                   Now pin the panels together evenly by placing the pins at a distance of about 2-3 inches from one another. Keep a seam of about one inch. Remove the pins on the other side without turning the panels.
·                   When pinning up the two panels for shower curtain is over, you will find that they are not even in length (due to the lining up of fabric patterns.) Cut the panels to match length (It should now be 88 L X 80 W)
·                   Sew the two fabric panels together using a heavy stitch. Sew curtain slowly as the volume of fabric might lead the fabric bunch up.
·                   As sewing curtain continues, keep taking out the pins.
·                   After you have done with shower curtain sewing, cut the excess fabric off the seam. However, leave at least 1/2 inch past the actual stitch.
·                   Hem the sides of the shower curtain by folding two inches of fabric along the full length of the sides.
·                   Iron the hem of the shower curtain. Sew them with a heavy stitch as well.
·                   Sew the lower edge of the shower curtain in the same way by folding two inches of fabric in, ironing the hem, and sewing with a heavy stitch.
·                   Now fold 4 inches of fabric at the top of the shower curtain. Iron it on the sides. This portion is to provide for the buttonholes. Iron it and sew it the same way.
·                   Place the shower curtain liner on top of the shower curtain. Make sure that all its edges are evenly spaced and also the ring openings on the liner are about one inch from the top.
·                   Put the pencil or marker through each ring hole of the liner and make a small mark on the shower curtain fabric. Ensure that each mark is 6 inches apart for the button holes. The two outer ones can be 3 inches from the side edges.
·                   Adjust the sewing machine setting at buttonhole setting and sew the buttonhole outline into the upper 4-inch hem- an inch from the top edge. Slit them open with a seam ripper following the instructions on how to make buttonholes in the sewing machine manual.

Your shower curtain sewing project is now over. Hang the beautiful shower curtain made by yourself in your bathroom and enjoy the surroundings!

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